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ARLEQ History

1994-1995-1996 Revitalization of lakeshore by planting of 5,000 shrubs under the direction of the previous organization, which was Association de la protection de l’environnment du lac Echo/14 Iles (APPEL).  Reduced price offered to members for bacterial analysis of drinking water.


September 1998   Informational meeting organized by the “Club du Lac des 14 Iles” at the clubhouse belonging to “Club des Bons Voisins” attended by 57 people wishing to form a new association representing all of the residents surrounding the lake.


November 1998    ARLEQ was officially formed.  Its mission was expanded to include: the protection of the lake; quality of life of on and around the lake; and security for property and people surrounding the lake.  This new association also wished to bring together the 4 recreational clubs and the 2 municipalities of Prevost and Saint-Hippolyte with respect to the lake.


February 1999      ARLEQ vigorously intervened to achieve the closure of a detox center, which was being illegally run by an organization named Second Regard.  A judgment in 1999 resulted in the closure of the center.


August 1999  A Country picnic was organized by the Notre-Dame-du-Lac Church to celebrate the creation of this new association.  The concept of the importance of the watershed area for each lake first became known.


November 1999    The Minister of the Environment denounced the harmful emptying of Lac Renaud into our lake in the autumn; demonstrated by the plumes of sediment invading our lake.


January 2000        ARLEQ obtained provincial licensure and incorporation.


June 2000  ARLEQ distributed adhesive vignettes for watercraft and installed buoys on an experimental basis.


August 2000  A system of protection for people and their property called “Le bon Voisinage, j’Y Vois” was initiated in cooperation with the Regie Intermunicipale de Police de la Rivière-du-Nord.


September 2000   Annual General Meeting attended by 156 members.  Program for emptying septic tanks at a reduced price for members was initiated.  Appearance of an invasive aquatic plant, Eurasian water-milfoil, was noted to be present in the preliminary report from the Biological Station of the Laurentides supervised by Dr Richard Carignan.


June 2001  A request was made to the municipality of Saint-Hippolyte for increased visits by the Nautical Patrols to improve security on the lake.  A request was made to both municipalities (Prevost and Saint-Hippolyte) to ban the use of fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides close to any waterways.  Announcement of Emptying Day for septic tanks at reduced price.


A campaign to improve awareness and education about the problem of Eurasian water-milfoil was initiated with the use of floating panels in the affected zone.


August 2001  Revitalization of the lakeshore by the planting of 750 shrubs for 30 residents on the lake was performed in conjunction with the municipality of Saint-Hippolyte and the Biological Station of the Laurentides.


November 2001    Formation of an association bringing together all the associations from the lakes (REGAL), including ARLEQ .


March 2002   ARLEQ Directors initiated a project for household composting with subsidized containers.


May 2002  ARLEQ initiated a project for the ecological maintenance of lawns.


June 2003  Publication of the final study of the lakes by the Biological Station of the Laurentides situated at Saint-Hippolyte.


October 2003        During the Annual General Meeting of members the invited speaker, Dr Richard Carignan made the recommendation to stop mowing lawns in the first few meters along the lakeside.  The members asked for a Code of Ethics to be created for motorized watercraft.


Summer 2004       Publication of the Code of Ethics for motorized watercraft.


October 2005           A new request was made to the municipality of Saint-Hippolyte for Nautical Patrols.


December 2006    Presence of Cyanobacteria producing yellow blooms on the lake.  After analysis they were found to be non-toxic.


September 2007   The presence of Cyanobacteria in 4 of the lakes within Saint-Hippolyte in 2006 led the municipality to legislate changes which prohibited residents from cutting the lawn for a distance of 5 meters from the water’s edge.  ARLEQ also educated its members regarding the use of phosphate-free soap for dishwashers.


May 2008  ARLEQ supported REGAL’s proposal that the municipality become responsible for the regular emptying of septic tanks.


July 2008   In addition to the analysis of lake water for swimming, the municipality of Saint-Hippolyte measured the presence of phosphorus in the lake at 7 locations.


September 2008   ARLEQ intervened alongside the municipality of Saint-Hippolyte to correct the problem of stray dogs.


October 2008        ARLEQ celebrated 10 years.


Autumn 2012           A request by ARLEQ to the municipality of Saint-Hippolyte for the elimination of  Common Reed planted on the shores of the lake.


June 2013  Since 2010, for the third consecutive year, ARLEQ continues to follow the recommendations made by the “Reseau de Surveillance volontaire des lacs”.


October 2014     Publication of a survey performed in conjunction with the Club du Lac des 14 Iles regarding the behavior of boats on the lake.   


Denunciation of commercial fishing activities on the lake. 

Presentation of a Code of Ethics to all 4 recreational clubs on the lake.


November 2014    Formation of 3 committees within ARLEQ: (1) inventory of phragmites (large perennial grasses); (2)  identification of commercial activities on the lake; (3) identification of boat launches and accesses to the lake.


October 2015 During the Annual General Meeting the new Code of Ethics which was presented to members for discussion.


March 2016 Publication of the final version of the Code of Conduct for activities on the lake.


Autumn 2017 ARLEQ joined Lac Connelly and Lac de l’Achigan in denouncing the recurring problems of nuisance noise to the municipality of Saint-Hippolyte.


July 2018   For multiple consecutive years analysis of lake water for swimming by the 2 municipalities was recognized as excellent.


Automne 2018      A map of aquatic plants was created using echo-location and photographs taken by drone, all under the supervision of Dr Richard Carignan.

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